Write your first Smart Contract in 3 minutes (2024 re-share)
For non-coders to learn how to write and deploy a simple smart contract
Non-coders in Web3 will have a better understanding of the technology if they have written and deployed a smart contract onto the blockchain themselves.
I’ll show you that in 3 minutes you can write, compile and deploy a contract on-chain. This contract will simply print “Hello world” following the common convention when learning a new coding language or framework.
You’ll learn to use the Remix IDE, create a new solidity file with some code, compile and deploy it, and interact with the contract on-chain to see the results.
I have kicked off a trip with some friends that’ll last until the end of the month.
We’ll be moving around a lot, which means I’ll have almost no time to dedicate to these regular posts. However, I wanted to find a way to continue them since I’ve been writing 1 post consistently for over 70 weeks now!
So for the following weeks my posts will be super short with ways that I still believe I can bring a lot of value to my subscribers.
Today I’m doing this by re-sharing a post that I wrote in June 2023 that I believe is as useful today as it was back when I wrote it. This is especially true since over 90% of my subscribers today haven’t seen this post, as well as many of my previous posts.
Please click through below to be taken to the original post!