Professor Fox is on Youtube
There's a new AI professor on the block, and he's got his own Youtube channel!
Professor Fox is a digital AI avatar we’ve created to help on our mission of educating people on Web3.
He’s gotten started on Youtube with his new channel: now he’s starting with video shorts but over time he’ll evolve as a character and create more types of content.
This blog is primarily focused in Web3 but several of my posts have also been about AI as I believe the two are closely tied. Only recently for example Coinbase performed the first recorded cryptocurrency transaction between two AI agents.
In time I think we may even see that crypto becomes the de-facto transactional model for AI agents. But that’s a separate post for another day.
Suffice to say that AI is growing fast and of great interest to me too, and with that in mind I’ve created a new AI avatar called “Professor Fox” to expand the mission of this blog of educating people about Web3! Today we’ll take our first look at him.
Professor Fox
AI is undoubtedly the most important technological trend in the world today. Together with Web3 I think we’re currently transitionining through something as impactful as the industrial revolution, where our entire model of society changes.
In order to stay immersed in everything that’s happening in AI and provide even more education and value I created a new digital avatar called “Professor Fox”!
Professor Fox’s goal is to educate non-technical people in Web3 very much like all of my own content in this blog and my courses.
You can think of Professor Fox as my digital AI cousin!
We’re starting out with video shorts as it’s a good place for us to test out and improve our workflow, plus get more content out and more people discovering him. Who knows maybe one day he’ll become a famous digital influencer?
Youtube Channel
Professor Fox is starting out his journey on Youtube for now. You can find Professor Fox at Subscribe if you want to keep up with his content and to see his development.
We’re starting with Youtube because it’s already the main place people go on the Internet to learn. It’s pretty much an unofficial online educational hub.
Over time though we plan to have more channels for him like Instagram and TikTok and beyond. Most digital influencers have multiple channels so it would only be right for Professor Fox to have multiple channels too!
Each video short is no longer than 60 seconds long and also has a QR Code in the bottom left, that when you zoom in (and pixelate it) looks like this.
This QR code takes you to our newly created free community (that I’ll make a specific post about soon). Professor Fox ultimately wants people to join our free community where they’ll find further content to educate themselves.
Video Examples
As he’s just gotten started on his career as an influencer he doesn’t have much content out yet, but here are a couple little example shorts for you to take a look at to see what he’s all about.
The first is Professor Fox explaining at a very basic level “what is a blockchain”. In future videos he’ll certainly drill down into other topics related to blockchains like consensus algorithms, hashing, and so on.
The second example is on the “Web3 security golden rule”, namely the rule saying “Not your keys, not your coins”. Professor Fox succinctly explains what this means and its importance.
Every video for now introduces a topic, explains it, and then invites people to join our community so they can ask more questions and learn more.
These are just a couple of his videos, he hasn’t got many yet, but he’ll keep creating more and more and I’m sure his library of content will grow fast.
As a quick note, in a future post I’ll likely go into how we generated him and how we make these videos so others can do the same.
The Future
We’ve barely gotten started with Professor Fox and he’ll certainly evolve a lot more over time, a quick look at his future seems pretty exciting.
Graphically as we come across new and interesting AI technologies we’ll test them out and use them to make him more dynamic and life-like.
Content-wise we’re focused on shorts for now, but we want to make long videos too that go into deeper topics so that people can sit and learn from him too.
We’ve also just gotten started working on a new piece of software for beginners in Web3 that I think he could play an important role in.
We may even develop some sort of back story to him at some point, and as his influencer career grows he may even be featured in Hollywood movies! … Have I gone too far there? Who knows!
All I know is there’s a lot more on the horizon for Professor Fox! 👨🏫🦊